Posts Tagged ‘Arvinder’

Extremely rare song found – Ho Naar Albeli – Naag Padmini (1957)

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

Sanmukh Babu
Our dear friend Arvinder Sharma ji has shared this with us: Here is the missing song from the film Naag Padmini, which I heard for the first time in a train journey from Delhi to Calcutta in 1975. It was after a search and wait of 35 years that I finally got the song. My dear friend Sudhir Kapur Ji uploaded it for my sake, and I am very much thankful to him.

The above photo is of composer Sanmukh Babu Upadhyay ji, seen for the first time. More details about the “discovery” of this song and the lyrics are available on Atul ji’s famous website Ho Naar Albeli.

Thanks a lot Sudhir Kapur ji.

The remaining songs from this film are already shared on our website Naag Padmini Songs